Looking for a reclining loveseat with lumbar support. Came across two companies Flexsteel and Design Comfort. We want a long lasting piece of furniture. Our last recliners only lasted 5 years. I’m wanting that quality we used to get that lasted 10+. Please give me some insight. Thanks,
June 11, 2020
Of the two companies you have listed, Comfort Design makes a far superior product.
Most Flexsteel reclining sofas and loveseats are made using 2.0 density foam and non-removable seat cushions. This foam has an average lifespan of 3 – 5 years and cannot be replaced at a reasonable cost when it wears out.
Comfort Design uses 2.5 density foam and has removable seat cushions. 2.5 density foam should last 8 – 10+ years for most people and can be replaced for a few hundred dollars when it eventually wears out.
There are other quality differences as well, but the cushions are the biggest single factor in which brand I would recommend.
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