My husband and I are in the market to buy a reclining sectional. We have only been to one store and our top 2 choices are the Flexsteel Arlo line or the Southern Motion SoCozi reclining sectional. We don’t want to keep replacing our sectional. Would you please give us your opinion of the best brands to consider.
June 27, 2020
In general, there is little difference in quality between Flexsteel and Southern Motion reclining furniture.
In this case, however, my recommendation is for the Southern Motion SoCozi line over the Flexsteel Arlo sectional.
Although most Southern Motion reclining furniture is fairly even in quality with Flexsteel’s line, there are some additional factors to consider:
- Southern Motion’s SoCozi line is made in partnership with a high end Italian manufacturer, Cozzia. SoCozi is significantly more expensive than most Southern Motion reclining furniture products.
- Flexsteel’s reclining furniture is now made overseas (in either Vietnam or Mexico.) Flexsteel’s imported furniture is lower quality than its American made products. I am not sure where the Arlo line is made.
Mid-price range reclining seating is the fastest growing segment of the furniture industry. It is also the cause of the greatest number of consumer problems and complaints. Reclining furniture is heavy. The frames are flimsier than those found on non-reclining furniture. Moving the furniture during shipping or in your home can cause problems for the delicate reclining mechanisms. Peeling bonded leather and uncomfortable seat cushions are the two most common complaints over the past decade.
Southern Motion’s SoCozi line is more expensive than the manufacturer’s other products. It is a higher quality level. I have not seen any complaints specifically about SoCozi.
Read my full Flexsteel vs Southern Motion Comparison for a more in-depth discussion between the two brands. You can also find other high quality brands in my list of the Best American Reclining Furniture Manufacturers.
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