The vast majority of residential upholstered furniture manufactured after 2015 meets the TB117–2013 standard.
The new TB117–203 standard is more cost efficient than the regulation it replaced. Equally important, it eliminated the potential legal liabilities that accompanied the use of flame retardant chemicals.
Prior to the passage of TB117–203, the old regulation required foam and other filling materials to be able to pass an open flame test.
Only materials impregnated with potentially carcinogenic flame retardant chemicals could do that.
After many years of public debate (and litigation) TB117–203 was passed so that foams and other fillings could be made for residential furniture without using flame retardant chemicals.
The new law permitted the use of foams that did not include flame retardant chemicals but did not ban their use.
This allowed foam and furniture manufacturers to use up their existing stocks of flame retardant foams.
Within 2 years of the 2015 passage of the TB117–2013 regulation, the old flame retardant stocks were virtually gone.
Except for public facilities and special uses (such as oil drilling platforms) there was little demand for the old flame retardants.
Although TB117–203 legally is required only for the state of California it is generally accepted nationwide as the standard for all foams and filling materials for residential furniture.
Different regulations govern flammability requirements for fabrics.
A more detailed article discussing the history of TB117–203 can be found by clicking here.
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