For over 50 years furniture retailers have used a cleaning codes.
For example:
- W – Clean only with water-based shampoo or foam upholstery cleaner. Do not over wet. Do not use solvents to spot clean. Pile fabrics may require brushing to restore appearance. Cushion covers should not be removed and laundered.
- S – Clean only with dry cleaning solvent. Do not saturate. Do not use water. Pile fabrics may require brushing to restore appearance. Cushion covers should not be removed and dry cleaned.
- SW – Spot clean with upholstery shampoo, foam from a mild detergent, or mild dry cleaning solvent. Do not saturate with liquid. Pile fabrics may require brushing to restore appearance. Cushion covers should not be removed and dry cleaned.
- WS – Spot clean with upholstery shampoo, foam from a mild detergent, or mild dry cleaning solvent. Do not saturate with liquid. Pile fabrics may require brushing to restore appearance. Cushion covers should not be removed and dry cleaned.
- X – Do not clean with either water- or solvent-based cleaner. Use vacuuming or light brushing only.
These codes are completely outdated. Much better and more specific cleaning information can be found on the internet
The best information about cleaning fabrics can be found by using your favorite search engine.
Search for the specific type of stain you are trying to clean and the specific type of fabric. For example:
“How do I clean a mustard stain from a 100% polyester microfiber couch?”
You will find several articles with specific instructions on the best method to clean almost any combination of fabric and stain.