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How is white or light-colored furniture kept clean now that plastic slip covers are not commonly used?

By Jeff Frank

How is white or light-colored furniture kept clean now that plastic slip covers are not commonly used?

White and off-white fabrics have become extremely popular over the past 5 years.

The reason for this is the development of “high performance” fabrics with built-in permanent stain-resistance.

Although no fabric company claims that their high performance fabrics are completely “stain proof,” it can be quite difficult to find a stain that can’t be removed from many of these fabrics.

For example, in my furniture factory I once saw a large piece of white (not off white) high performance fabric run over by a fork lift. It left a large black, oily stain.

I assumed the fabric was ruined, but we decided to see just how stainproof it really was.

We cleaned the fabric with liquid dish soap, water and a sponge.

Most of the stain came right off, leaving only very slight marks that could be missed if someone looked at the fabric casually.

It is possible that we could have cleaned it even more with the proper tools and cleaning products, but we didn’t try.

(No we didn’t use that piece of fabric for any furniture.)</span

Some of the better known “high performance” fabric brands include:

  • Crypton
  • Sunbrella
  • Revolution
  • LiveSmart
  • Bella-Dura

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