Are you familiar with Arizona Leather?
They are located in California, but have stores in Arizona, etc.
Wondering what you think of their couches and recliners? Doreen 10-2-2022
Arizona Leather is a retail chain specializing in leather furniture made in the company’s California factory.
The store also sells Natuzzi leather furniture.
Stay away from the Natuzzi. The leather is OK, but Natuzzi’s frame and foundation construction is far below the pieces made by Arizona Leather.
Before making a major purchase it is always a good idea to research the furniture brand and store first.
One of the best sources for independent furniture reviews (that can’t be edited or deleted by the company) is
About 50 independent customer reviews for Arizona Leather can be found on this website.
The overall score of 3.4 stars out of 5 is actually an excellent score.
The average score on is under 2.0.
Many of the complaints against Arizona Leather involve reclining furniture.
This will be true for every brand that makes reclining furniture.
Reclining furniture has, by far, the largest numbers of complaints and problems of any furniture category.
The large pieces (Reclining sofas and sectionals) have more problems than reclining chairs.
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